Sunday, November 28, 2010

my new external hard disk

今天买了蓝色水牛 ^^
Lowyat 逛逛买了个external hardisk,
Buffalo 500G Mini Station... RM 189,喜爱的蓝色。

500 Gb,应该够我用好久好久吧 ……

有了external hardisk,第一件事就是把电脑里面的戏,照片和一部分歌都搬过去。这样一来为电脑进行瘦身,酱也能使电脑跑快点。




Monday, November 22, 2010

走走走… 自我漫游的夜晚


听着宇珩新专辑《从这里到那里》,好喜欢 ‘牛仔裤日记’。歌词轻松简单,唱起来又动听,唱出了自己的风格… 虽然算不上一首特别好歌,可是听起来切很贴切自己的生活。宇珩自行写词作曲,好欣赏她非一般的风格…

我说我的人生不会太难 但也不简单
一加一等于二 有人说等于三


世界多辽阔 世界多美好
偶尔沉寂 一个影子也找不到 找不到

夜深了,还不想睡… 继续听着牛仔裤的日记,寂夜里漫游~~

走走走 向左走 再向右走……

Sunday, November 14, 2010

宇珩 Life?! 完整版 MV

宇珩新专辑 - 《从这里到哪里》 主打曲 Life ?!
从宇珩facebook得知最新专辑主打曲 - Life?!的完整版MV終於剪好了,11.30pm将准时上线!那么好听的一首歌,当然在第一时间就post到blog来和大家分享。几秒钟前刚出炉的,真好听!

歌手:宇珩 专辑:从这里到那里

Though life is overrated

You gotta work your way out to make it

最好的 最壞的 現在的 未來的


Friday, November 12, 2010

yummy supper

my supper ! yummy... Big Apple doughnuts for my supper... ^^

super tiny handwriting ...

Last minutes preparation for tomorrow geo midsem test.. as we're only allowed to bring in 1 paper with only 1 page written, therefore must fully utilized the 1 page of A4 paper... using my smallest handwriting ever, squeeze everything into 1 single page... all formula, theories, diagrams, and even sample question in it.. Haha, hopefully with this i can have better 'survive' in coming test.
Good luck 4 me... ^^ Geo test, here i come with my super tiny handwriting!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

photoshop.. 我的消遣

从宇珩新专辑那里看了几张很不错,很有个性的照片。无所事事,就来玩玩下photoshop。打开旧版的 CS3,用两张照片… 稍微调下颜色,再来些stamp clone 和 layer mask,一张自做的壁纸就那么完成了。还好吧,虽然不是很美,至少还能接受。
这张的设计是想带出对生活热诚的感觉,自在的喜悦… 当陶醉在音乐的美时,可以从中感受到生活也是如此想种种音符般起舞,是轻松和快乐的。

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


写thesis,天天都在找资料作参考。看了好多好多journal,论文,书本,甚至国家宪法都拿来当参考引用在我的论文。今天写到literature review时,卡住了… 不懂如何接下去,想来想去都想不出个好的point。就在这时,哈!想到了!原来我要表达的东西就正在五戒的其中一个内容里。找找下资料,太棒了…一切都在法句经里解释的清清楚楚。就这样,引用了法句经的一段内容在我的thesis里,并括弧写上(Dhammapada 246-247)。希望教授看的懂其出处,别误解是一本journal哦!无论如何,如果教授不懂的话,我不介意给他一本简单的五戒介绍,或花一段时间解释给他,做个分享和宗教交流也不错。

世尊体证了世间的真理,世间的运作。佛陀所说的法原来是我thesis里最佳的参考,实实在在的说明了世间,同时也不因时间或空间的变化而有所出入。最圆满的参考来源,相信有帮助我的thesis朝向圆满。感恩~ 南无佛 南无法 南无僧

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

After 2 and a half month from industrial training, finally it comes the presentation! Spent 1 night doing the slides, realised that most things i learn from training have been forgotten. I feel to proud to be in the project team, with engineers and friends from Mudajaya, Hartasuma, Bombardier, and Minconsult, and have a chance to work together woth sub-con and ICE like Zaidun-Leeng, Acre Works, Bersatu Bebas, SJEE, and more.. At the same time also appreciate chances to exposed and work with engineers from US, whose body are double sizes of mine. Haha...

Big thanks to my project manager, Mr Robert and Mudajaya GM, Mr Ang for their guidance. My exposed to the real world also accomplished with teaching from senior engineer Mr Chui, supervisor Mr William, and other engineers. Also not forgetting the team director, Mr Rais, who is a nice person but very serious in work, with high expectation on everyone of us. I remember his shout, but also remember his encouragement.

20 weeks of training, i've grown up. Learn to be independent, learn to make decision, and learn to work in a team of different backgrounds. Thanks to everyone, appreciate the chances of learning given to me, and i miss you all, my lovely KL Spurline project team! May you all be well and happy always. Hope to meet up with you all in coming days in civil life.

View of first 4 slides of my presentation ! Background edited by Photoshop...